Sunday 24 February 2013

Showcase Sunday #20

Showcase Sunday is hosted by Vicky at Books, Biscuits and Tea.

First of all, I should probably start with a book I forgot to include last week: the screenplay of Don't Look Now!

Don't Look Now is one of my favourite films, and technically I bought the screenplay because I've been writing about the film in an article of mine, and I thought it would be handy to have. I don't normally include my academic books here, but this one is pretty cool so I thought I'd let people have a peek. :) Has anyone read the Daphne du Maurier original? I've been told it's even creepier than the film.

I also received an ARC of Dare You To by Katie McGarry, from Harlequin UK, which I am looking forward to starting! I have requested the previous book in the series, Pushing the Limits, from the library, so hopefully I can read them in order.

And MOST EXCITINGLY OF ALL (so exciting it warrants use of the word "excitingly"):

Yoshi is totally digging Stephanie Perkins.
Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins! I have wanted to read this ever since finishing Anna and the French Kiss, which was before I started writing this blog, but I was also waiting for the paperback to be released. But last week I got my first payslip from my new teaching job, and I decided to break my book buying ban with this. Let's pretend it's 1997 and say: I'm super stoked.

Reviews posted this week:
Bunheads by Sophie Flack (5.5/10) - ballet-themed coming of age YA
Goodbye to Berlin by Christopher Isherwood (7/10) - an interesting portrait of Berlin in the early 1930s

I am also hosting a giveaway (ends March 9th), giving away books by Laurie Halse Anderson, David Levithan, Ally Carter and Ally Condie - more details here.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Oh my. The cover of Don't Look Now is super creepy! :O

    And hurray for Dare You To! I won a copy of the previous book back in 2012 but I haven't had time to read it yet. Can't wait to pick it up, though!

    1. It is pretty creepy, isn't it? I'm hoping Pushing the Limits comes in the library soon so I don't have to read them out of order!

  2. OOO I remember doing Don't look now at college. Was great fun but hard work lol.

    Hope you enjoy your new reads.
    Thanks for stopping by

    1. There's always something new in that film whenever I watch it - and the ending still freaks me out!

  3. Heard Lola was great! I still need to read that one! Hope you love all your new reads <3!

    1. Haha I've been waiting to read it for so long - it's great so far!


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