Sunday 8 July 2012

Showcase Sunday: Books and adventures!

Showcase Sunday is a weekly meme hosted by Vicky at Books, Biscuits and Tea.

[I accidentally posted this on Saturday night, sans pictures, so hopefully the version you see now is the one I meant to put up...]

Until this week, I have been largely AWOL recently. This was due to my attending the Isle of Wight Festival 2012 (where I saw Tom Petty, Pearl Jam and Bruce Springsteen, all of whom were amazing, and which I wrote about here and here and here), and being ill both during and after the festival, at which point I went home to visit my family for a few days.

As such, I am a little bit behind on my blogging, but I have a couple of things to share this week that I haven't had chance to yet!

First of all, a huge thanks to Mands at VeganYANerds, who sent me a copy of Julia Lawrinson's Losing It. I am definitely looking forward to delving into this slice of Aussie YA! Mandee also sent me some vegan chocolate, which I am saving for one of those curled-up-on-the-sofa-reading days. :)

I also picked up The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight, by Jennifer E. Smith. I'd had this on request from the library for a while, and was surprised when I finally got an email telling me it had come in. I've heard a lot of good things about this book!

I haven't had much time for reading recently, mostly due to the ever-increasing demands of my PhD and my work on the journal. But I did manage to finish Tom Anderson's Riding The Magic Carpet (review here), as well as Girl, Missing by Sophie McKenzie, a British YA novel I will be reviewing soon!

am currently reading have just finished Brigid Lowry's Follow The Blue, a wonderful slice of contemporary YA lit that I would definitely recommend. I have also dug out some of my pre-Bibliotekit reviews from Goodreads, which I will be putting up sporadically in a 'From the Vaults' fashion.

Next week I have tickets to see Faith No More twice, as well as a band called Barreness, and finally Soundgarden in Hyde Park. Hopefully I can squeeze in some reading around that!


  1. Wow! Wonderful gigs you've attended, and I haven't head of the bands you're heading out to see next week, but it all sounds wonderful to someone who's not been to one in a lifetime. Losing it and The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight should be great reads, I've got them somewhere on my gigantic wishlist :-)

  2. The statistical.. etc is supossed to be a great read, so I'm still planning on reading it. I hope you're going to love it!

    Happy reading ^^

  3. TSPOLAFS is amazing - and that's coming from someone who doesn't really read contemporary fiction! I've not actually heard much about Losing It so thanks for bringing that to my attention. I'm away to check it out!

    I hope you have fun with all that you have planned! And thanks so much for stopping by! :D

  4. I really enjoyed The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight, so I hope you like it as well! Happy Reading! =D

    Ivy Book Bindings

  5. Not seen that cover for The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight its cute. Hope you enjoy your new books and thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  6. Hooray for Losing It, I really hope you enjoy it and I like the cover of your version of TSPoLaFS much more than the other version. And I need to track down Follow the Blue.

    And hooray for Pearly Jam! Shame about being so sick, I hope you're better now? And lucky you, FNM and Soundgarden, lucky!

  7. Ooh sweet! I LOVE The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight! Such a cute story! Awesome haul!

  8. It sounds like you had so much fun the past few weeks!! :) I hope you're feeling better, though?

    The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight is something I've been meaning to pick up for a while - I ADORE this version you have, the cover is just stunning!

  9. Nice haul.

    I have "TSPOLATS" on my Kindle Wish List.



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